lørdag, september 30, 2006

Help needed!

On thursday evening we need help to pack and load the Snipes on to the trailer at Bergen Seilforening. We have to be 5-6 persons, the Snipes weighs around 160kilos, and we have to lift them above our heads. We also need a car with a tow bar, anyone who wants to help us out to pack, load and transport the Snipes to RAN? Send me an e-mail, jarle.kristoffersen@student.uib.no, or send me a SMS at 99775324.

Sign up for the trip to RAN

There are still free places for the trip to RAN, so sign up if you want a weekend with a lot of sailing and with "some" socializing. This is the big happening in BSI Seiling this semester, so don`t miss it. See you there!

fredag, september 29, 2006

How does this blog work?

Correction, all users will now have personalized username, those of our members who want access to the blog can send an e-mail to bsi.seiling@gmail.com, they will then get an invitation to sign up as a member of the blog, when you sign up you can create your own personalized username and password, and you can even edit your own profile. Do you want access? Send an e-mail!


"I just want to repeat what Jarle wrote in his last mail to the skippers. This blog is open for everybody and the skippers have all recieved the common usename and password from Jarle pr mail. As the username and password is not personalized remember to sign all postings so that we can se who wrote it. For those who did not yet recieve the password and username and want to write something on the blog (members and skippers alike) just contact the board and we will forward it to you.

Please be active and use the blog and tell everybody about what happens in the club. In that way we might still be a physically fragmented club, but more mentally integrated.

Best regards,
Geir Olav"

torsdag, september 28, 2006

RAN Fall of 2006

From friday 6.october to sunday 8.october BSI Seiling will arrange this semesters big happening, our "traditional" trip to RAN. For more information, visit our website, www.bsi.no/seiling.

onsdag, september 27, 2006

Velkommen til BSI Seilings BLOG/ Welcome to BSI Seiling`s BLOG

I denne bloggen skal de av våre medlemmer som ønsker det kunne publisere mer eller mindre nyttig informasjon de ønsker å formidle til de andre medlemmene av klubben, enten dette er invitasjon til en fest, ledig plass i båten når dere skal ut på tur eller noe annet "matnyttig". De medlemmer som ønsker brukernavn og passord kan ta kontakt på bsi.seiling@gmail.com.
PS! Husk å vise normal norsk folkeskikk og godt nettvett, og at det dere legger ut har en viss verdi for flere i klubben enn kun deg selv. Misbruk av bloggen kan føre til at den fjernes. Klubben vår har også mange utenlandske medlemmer, så husk derfor å legge ut dine innlegg på norsk og/eller engelsk.
In this blog it will be possible for our members to publish, more or less useful, information that they want to share with other members of the club, like an invitation to a party, to announce that you have free places in the boat when you are going out sailing or some other information of interest. Members who want access to the blog have to send an e-mail to bsi.seiling@gmail.com.
PS! Remember to show genral respect for others and sensible internet etiquette. Make sure that the information you publish to some degree have value for other than yourself. Misuse of this blog will lead to that the blog will be deleted. The club has a great number of foreign members, so publish your posts in norwegian and/or in english.