Correction, all users will now have personalized username, those of our members who want access to the blog can send an e-mail to, they will then get an invitation to sign up as a member of the blog, when you sign up you can create your own personalized username and password, and you can even edit your own profile. Do you want access? Send an e-mail!
"I just want to repeat what Jarle wrote in his last mail to the skippers. This blog is open for everybody and the skippers have all recieved the common usename and password from Jarle pr mail. As the username and password is not personalized remember to sign all postings so that we can se who wrote it. For those who did not yet recieve the password and username and want to write something on the blog (members and skippers alike) just contact the board and we will forward it to you.
Please be active and use the blog and tell everybody about what happens in the club. In that way we might still be a physically fragmented club, but more mentally integrated.
Best regards,
Geir Olav"